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CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI

Stock Calculation View

Stock Budgeting 1 Output Calculator

This tool tracks resource stock indicators for output uris. Up to 15 new indicators can be added for each output.

Calculation View Description

Version: 1.9.0

Feedback About carbon/output/CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI/2141223462/sb02

Step 1 of 3. Make Selections

Stock Indicators

Indicator 1

Indicator 2

Indicator 3

Indicator 4

Indicator 5

Indicator 6

Indicator 7

Indicator 8

Indicator 9

Indicator 10

Step 2 of 3. Enter Stock Indicators


Use In Childs?
Overwrite Childs?

More Stock Indicators

Indicator 11

Indicator 12

Indicator 13

Indicator 14

Indicator 15

Step 3 of 3. Save

Method 1. Do you wish to save step 2's calculations? These calculations are viewed by opening this particular calculator addin.


Step 1

  • Step 1. Indicators: Enter up to 10 indicators.
  • Step 1. Indicator Name and Description: Name and description for each indicator.
  • Step 1. Indicator Date: Make sure that the benchmark, targets, actual, indicators have distinct dates.
  • Step 1. Distribution Type: The numeric distribution of QT. Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference.
  • Step 1. Math Expression:A mathematical expression containing one or more of the Q1 to Q5 variables and/or sibling indicator Q1 to QTM variables. Use strings that identify both the indicator (I1, I2, … In) and the Qx property (Q … QTM), with a period separator between them. Examples include:((I1.Q1 + I1.Q2) * I1.Q3) + I1.Q4)) - (2 * I1.Q5)
  • Step 1. Math Operator Type: Mathematical operation to use with QT. MathTypes include: equalto, lessthan, greaterthan, lessthanorequalto, and greaterthanorequalto. Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference for the algorithms.
  • Step 1. Math Type and Math Sub Type: Mathematical algorithm and subalgorithm to use with Distribution Type, QT, QTD1, and QTD2 to solve for QTM, QTL, and QTU. Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference for the algorithms.
  • Step 1. QT Amount and Unit: The Unit must be manually entered. The Amount will be the result of the mathematical calculation.
  • Step 1. QTD1 Amount and Unit: First distribution, or shape, parameter for QT.
  • Step 1. QTD2 Amount and Unit: Second distribution, or scale, for QT.
  • Step 1. BaseIO: Base input or output property to update with this indicator's QTM property.
  • Step 1. QTM Amount and Unit: Most Likely Estimate for QT. The Unit must be manually entered. The Amount will be the result of the mathematical algorithm.
  • Step 1. QTL Amount and Unit: Low Estimate or QT. The Unit must be manually entered. The Amount will be the result of the mathematical algorithm.
  • Step 1. QTU Amount and Unit: High Estimate for QT. The Unit must be manually entered. The Amount will be the result of the mathematical algorithm.
  • Step 1. Math Result: TEXT string holding results of calculation.

Step 2

  • Step 2. Use Same Calculator Pack In Descendants?: True to insert or update this same calculator in children.
  • Step 2. Overwrite Descendants?: True to insert or update all of the attributes of this same calculator in all children. False only updates children attributes that are controlled by the developer of this calculator (i.e. version, stylehsheet name, relatedcalculatorstype ...)
  • Step 2. What If Tag Name: Instructional videos explaining the use of what-if scenario calculations should be viewed before changing or using this parameter.
  • Step 2. Related Calculators Type: When the Use Same Calculator Pack in Descendant is true, uses this value to determine which descendant calculator to update. Inserts a new descendant when no descendant has this same name. Updates the descendant that has this same name.
  • Step 2. Indicators: Enter up to 5 indicators.
  • Step 2. Target Type: Used with Progress analyzers to identify benchmark and actual indicators.
  • Step 2. Altern Type: Used with Change by Alternative analyzers to identify alternatives to compare.
  • Step 2. Score Math Expression: A mathematical expression containing one or more of the children indicator Q1 to QTM variables. Use strings that identify both the indicator (I1, I2, … In) and the Qx property (Q … QTM), with a period separator between them. Examples include:((I1.QTM + I2.QTM) * I3.Q3) + I4.QTM)) - (2 * I5.QTM)
  • Step 2. Score Amount and Unit: The Unit must be manually entered. The Amount will be the result of the Math Expression calculation.
  • Step 2. ScoreD1 Amount and Unit: First distribution variable for Score.
  • Step 2. ScoreD2 Amount and Unit: Second distribution for Score.
  • Step 2. Distribution Type: The numeric distribution of Score. Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference.
  • Step 2. Score Math Type and Math Sub Type: Mathematical algorithm and subalgorithm to use with Distribution Type, Score, ScoreD1, and ScoreD2 to solve for ScoreM, ScoreL, and ScoreU. Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference for the algorithms.
  • Step 2. Score Most Likely, Score Low, Score High, Amounts and Units: Results of Distribution Type and Math Type calculations.
  • Step 2. Iterations: Number of iterations to use when drawing random number samples for some algorithms.
  • Step 2. Confidence Interval: Level of confidence interal to use when reporting all Score and Indicator high and low amounts. Should be an integer such as 95, 90, or 40.
  • Step 2. Random Seed: Any positive integer, except 0, will result in the same set of random variables being used each time a calculation is run.
  • Step 2. Score BaseIO: Base input or output property to update with the Score Most Likely property.


  • Refer to the Stock Calculation 1 reference.

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CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI
Output Group
CTAP Output Examples
CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI
Score Score Unit Score D1 Amount Score D1 Unit Score D2 Amount Score D2 Unit Iterations Confid Int Random Seed Base IO
Score Most Amount Score Most Unit Score Low Amount Score Low Unit Score High Amount Score High Unit Distribution Type Math Type Math Sub Type Observations
154,890.5524 lowest CER 155,000.0000 mean 30,000.0000 sd 10000 90 2 none
155,186.7053 lowest CER 154,696.2165 lower 90 % ci 155,677.1941 upper 90 % ci normal algorithm1 subalgorithm1 1
sampled descriptive statistics N,Total,Mean,Median,StdDev,Var,Min,Max 10000, 1551867052.6102, 155186.7053, 155465.5005, 29726.5922, 883670284.8523, 39753.9844, 260531.6678, sampled cumulative density function 0.00,0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90,1.00 39753.9844,117259.0984,130005.2862,139564.0962,147796.3788,155467.7540,162834.5458,171052.3240,180250.3441,193222.0001,260531.6678
Name (N) Label Date Rel Label Math Type Dist Type Base IO Math Operator Math Sub Type
Q1 Amount Q1 Unit Q2 Amount Q2 Unit Q3 Amount Q3 Unit Q4 Amount Q4 Unit Q5 Amount Q5 Unit
QT Amount QT Unit QT D1 Amount QT D2 Amount QT Most Amount QT Most Unit QT Low Amount QT Low Unit QT High Amount QT High Unit
Hazard Distribution 1A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
6.9343 100year 4.7280 50year 3.6773 25year 2.6267 10year 2.1013 5year
3.3425 mean seismic event 3.3425 0.3343 3.3446 mean seismic event 3.3391 lower 90 % ci 3.3501 upper 90 % ci
Each reach is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the event probability (1, 2, 4, 10, 20 percent) and the associate quantity of the hazard (the matrix numbers).
I1.Q1.distribtype + I1.Q2.100year + I1.Q3. 50year + I1.Q4.25year + I1.Q5.10year + I1.Q6.5year
Exposure Distribution 2A 10/02/2015 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.5946 location 1 total value 0.6005 location 2 total value 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none
1.1951 1, 2 totals 0.0000 0.0000 1.1951 drr all locations 1.1950 lower 90 % ci 1.1952 upper 90 % ci
The total value of each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) calculated from the price (p1) and quantity (q1) of the asset.
I2.Q1.distribtype + I2.Q2.QT + I2.Q3.QTUnit + I2.Q4.QTD1+ I2.Q5.QTD1Unit + I2.Q6.QTD2 + I2.Q7.QTD2Unit + I2.Q8.normalization + I2.Q9.weight + I2.Q10.quantity
Vulnerability Distribution 3A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
21.5665 5year 156.0678 10year 534.2074 25year 784.1526 50year 1,018.6103 100year
0.0000 mean damage 0.0000 0.0000 67.1575 total percent damage 67.0478 lower 90 % ci 67.2673 upper 90 % ci
The damage percent for each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the flood depth (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5) and the percent of asset damage (the matrix numbers).
I3.Q1.distribtype + I3.Q2.5year + I3.Q3.10year + I3.Q4.25year + I3.Q5.50year + I3.Q6.100year
Loss EP Distribution 4A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.0464 5year 0.3510 10year 1.4327 25year 2.3474 50year 3.3997 100year
0.0000 mean avg annual damages 0.0000 0.0000 0.1826 total avg ann damages 0.1823 lower 90 % ci 0.1830 upper 90 % ci
The damages for each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the event probability (20, 10, 4, 2, 1) and the total damages (the matrix numbers).
I4.Q1.distribtype + I4.Q2.5year + I4.Q3.10year + I4.Q4.25year + I4.Q5.50year + I4.Q6.100year + I4.Q7.quantity
Project Costs 5A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none
0.0000 mean avg annual costs 0.0000 0.0000 2,101.0008 mean avg annual costs 2,097.5678 lower 90 % ci 2,104.4338 upper 90 % ci
The cost for each project alternative is described as the probability of average annual costs (QTs).
I5.Q1.installcost + I5.Q2.installdistrib + I5.Q3.omcost+ I5.Q4.omdistrib+ I5.Q5.isprojectcost
Benefit Cost Analysis 6A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
2.5736 base damage 232.9018 base cost 0.7597 AC1A_A damage 21,512.4224 AC1A_A cost 0.0000 none
-21,277.7067 net benefits 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 2_QTM_0.05_25, bcr 0.0001 lower 90 % ci 0.0001 upper 90 % ci
The Math Results from Indicator 4 define average annual benefits and the Math Results from Indicator 5 defines average annual costs. Benefits are defined as the reduction in damages of each project alternative in comparison to the baseline.
I6.Q1.distribtype + I6.Q2.100year + I6.Q3.50year + I6.Q4.25year + I6.Q5.10year + I6.Q6.5year + I6.Q7.quantity
Cost Effectiveness Analysis 7A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.1826 base damage 195.6434 base cost 0.0539 AC1A_A damage 20,130.0575 AC1A_A cost 0.0000 none
154,890.5524 net benefits 0.0000 0.0000 154,890.5524 2_QTM_0.12_10, cer 155,119.5853 lower 90 % ci 154,902.9123 upper 90 % ci
The URL dataset define average annual benefits from non monetary disaster loss reductions and the Math Results from Indicator 5 defines average annual costs. Benefits are defined as the reduction in damages of each project alternative in comparison to the
I7.Q1.distribtype + I7.Q2.100year + I7.Q3.50year + I7.Q4.25year + I7.Q5.10year + I7.Q6.5year + I7.Q7.quantity
Output Series: CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI
Score Score Unit Score D1 Amount Score D1 Unit Score D2 Amount Score D2 Unit Iterations Confid Int Random Seed Base IO
Score Most Amount Score Most Unit Score Low Amount Score Low Unit Score High Amount Score High Unit Distribution Type Math Type Math Sub Type Observations
154,890.5524 lowest CER 155,000.0000 mean 30,000.0000 sd 10000 90 2 none
155,186.7053 lowest CER 154,696.2165 lower 90 % ci 155,677.1941 upper 90 % ci normal algorithm1 subalgorithm1 1
sampled descriptive statistics N,Total,Mean,Median,StdDev,Var,Min,Max 10000, 1551867052.6102, 155186.7053, 155465.5005, 29726.5922, 883670284.8523, 39753.9844, 260531.6678, sampled cumulative density function 0.00,0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90,1.00 39753.9844,117259.0984,130005.2862,139564.0962,147796.3788,155467.7540,162834.5458,171052.3240,180250.3441,193222.0001,260531.6678
Name (N) Label Date Rel Label Math Type Dist Type Base IO Math Operator Math Sub Type
Q1 Amount Q1 Unit Q2 Amount Q2 Unit Q3 Amount Q3 Unit Q4 Amount Q4 Unit Q5 Amount Q5 Unit
QT Amount QT Unit QT D1 Amount QT D2 Amount QT Most Amount QT Most Unit QT Low Amount QT Low Unit QT High Amount QT High Unit
Hazard Distribution 1A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
6.9343 100year 4.7280 50year 3.6773 25year 2.6267 10year 2.1013 5year
3.3425 mean seismic event 3.3425 0.3343 3.3446 mean seismic event 3.3391 lower 90 % ci 3.3501 upper 90 % ci
Each reach is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the event probability (1, 2, 4, 10, 20 percent) and the associate quantity of the hazard (the matrix numbers).
I1.Q1.distribtype + I1.Q2.100year + I1.Q3. 50year + I1.Q4.25year + I1.Q5.10year + I1.Q6.5year
Exposure Distribution 2A 10/02/2015 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.5946 location 1 total value 0.6005 location 2 total value 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none
1.1951 1, 2 totals 0.0000 0.0000 1.1951 drr all locations 1.1950 lower 90 % ci 1.1952 upper 90 % ci
The total value of each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) calculated from the price (p1) and quantity (q1) of the asset.
I2.Q1.distribtype + I2.Q2.QT + I2.Q3.QTUnit + I2.Q4.QTD1+ I2.Q5.QTD1Unit + I2.Q6.QTD2 + I2.Q7.QTD2Unit + I2.Q8.normalization + I2.Q9.weight + I2.Q10.quantity
Vulnerability Distribution 3A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
21.5665 5year 156.0678 10year 534.2074 25year 784.1526 50year 1,018.6103 100year
0.0000 mean damage 0.0000 0.0000 67.1575 total percent damage 67.0478 lower 90 % ci 67.2673 upper 90 % ci
The damage percent for each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the flood depth (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5) and the percent of asset damage (the matrix numbers).
I3.Q1.distribtype + I3.Q2.5year + I3.Q3.10year + I3.Q4.25year + I3.Q5.50year + I3.Q6.100year
Loss EP Distribution 4A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.0464 5year 0.3510 10year 1.4327 25year 2.3474 50year 3.3997 100year
0.0000 mean avg annual damages 0.0000 0.0000 0.1826 total avg ann damages 0.1823 lower 90 % ci 0.1830 upper 90 % ci
The damages for each asset type is described by a probability distribution (QTs) defined by the event probability (20, 10, 4, 2, 1) and the total damages (the matrix numbers).
I4.Q1.distribtype + I4.Q2.5year + I4.Q3.10year + I4.Q4.25year + I4.Q5.50year + I4.Q6.100year + I4.Q7.quantity
Project Costs 5A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none 0.0000 none
0.0000 mean avg annual costs 0.0000 0.0000 2,101.0008 mean avg annual costs 2,097.5678 lower 90 % ci 2,104.4338 upper 90 % ci
The cost for each project alternative is described as the probability of average annual costs (QTs).
I5.Q1.installcost + I5.Q2.installdistrib + I5.Q3.omcost+ I5.Q4.omdistrib+ I5.Q5.isprojectcost
Benefit Cost Analysis 6A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
2.5736 base damage 232.9018 base cost 0.7597 AC1A_A damage 21,512.4224 AC1A_A cost 0.0000 none
-21,277.7067 net benefits 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 2_QTM_0.05_25, bcr 0.0001 lower 90 % ci 0.0001 upper 90 % ci
The Math Results from Indicator 4 define average annual benefits and the Math Results from Indicator 5 defines average annual costs. Benefits are defined as the reduction in damages of each project alternative in comparison to the baseline.
I6.Q1.distribtype + I6.Q2.100year + I6.Q3.50year + I6.Q4.25year + I6.Q5.10year + I6.Q6.5year + I6.Q7.quantity
Cost Effectiveness Analysis 7A 01/01/2005 none algorithm1 none none equalto subalgorithm10
0.1826 base damage 195.6434 base cost 0.0539 AC1A_A damage 20,130.0575 AC1A_A cost 0.0000 none
154,890.5524 net benefits 0.0000 0.0000 154,890.5524 2_QTM_0.12_10, cer 155,119.5853 lower 90 % ci 154,902.9123 upper 90 % ci
The URL dataset define average annual benefits from non monetary disaster loss reductions and the Math Results from Indicator 5 defines average annual costs. Benefits are defined as the reduction in damages of each project alternative in comparison to the
I7.Q1.distribtype + I7.Q2.100year + I7.Q3.50year + I7.Q4.25year + I7.Q5.10year + I7.Q6.5year + I7.Q7.quantity
Dataset: CTAP Ex- 2 - Earthquake DRI IRI This output is used to support a CTAP tutorial for earthquake Disaster Risk Indexes in Bogota Columbia.

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